Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 17

Breakfast: 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plain water

500 ml tea mix and 1L plain water

My Breakfast

Lunch: 2 slice of wholemeal bread + teh 'o' + 500ml tea mix and 1L plain water

My Lunch

Dinner : 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plain water 500 ml tea mix and 1L plain water

p/s: Today i went to fitness first.


  1. ur lunch was bread only????? make it variety a bit.. take some fruits.. :)

  2. Yeah....i was so lazy to go n get some fruits :(
