Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 24

Ehem Ehem I was so busy this few days untill could not find some time to update my blog...Anyway i was on diet as usual :) Here goes my menu for Day 24 ~Khejes~

Before Breakfast: 500 ml tea mix and 500 ml plain water

Breakfast: 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plain water 500 ml tea mix and 1L plain water

My Lunch: 2 slice of wholemeal bread + teh 'o' + fruits+ 500ml tea mix and 1L plain water

My Lunch

My Dinner : 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plainwater 500 ml tea mix and 1L plain water


  1. been 3 weeks kan. when is ur next weighing day?

  2. btw feel free to visit diana's blog

    she's on diet with HL. got some improvement already.

    waiting for urs. hehe

  3. i feel my double chin is missing....i will weigh end of this month...hope fully turun lah :P...takut nak weigh pun

  4. aite khejes...ijust started with Herbalife also...we can share our probs together...hehhee.... weight still static...but my inches had reduced...hehehe
