Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 25

I feel good if i start my day by going to Fitness First to do some workouts....Will stay fresh till end of the day...Ok here goes my menu for Day 25.~Khejes~

Before Breakfast: 500 ml tea mix and 500 ml plain water

Breakfast: 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plain water ,500 ml tea mix

In Between: 1L plain water

Lunch: 1/4 Rice + Chicken Rendang + Veges , 500ml tea mix

My Lunch

In Between: 1L plain water

Dinner: 2 Scoop of F1 Tropical Fruit + 1 Scoop of Cosway Whey Protein + 250 ml plain water ,500 ml tea mix

In Between: 1L plain water


  1. aite khejes....hehehe...
    tropical fruit sedap tak?...tak penah order lak..ingat nak order..takut tak sedap lak..hehehe....asyik la order dgn emi cino n dutch baru nak order vanila lak..hehehe

  2. smells like bubblegum! haha.../me dislike it

  3. Lady....Tropical fruit ok lah.....emi u r correct smell like bubblegum....hehehe

  4. hehehe...ok time..i'll try..currently crazy with mixing Cino n Strawberry...sedap wowowowoooo
